Laptop Blickfeld Percept zone configuration

„We offer a holistic solution that can be used by everyone“

Blickfeld Chief Software Architect Rolf Wojtech introduces the new LiDAR software product “Blickfeld Percept”.
Portrait Rolf Wojtech Blickfeld

What is Blickfeld Percept?

Blickfeld Percept is a flexible, easy-to-configure LiDAR software for analyzing and processing. Instead of a 3D point cloud, Percept generates actionable insights such as event or object lists. Thus, even users with little or no experience in processing 3D data can work easily with the data generated by LiDAR and implement a variety of applications, such as volume monitoring, people counting or perimeter protection.

What is the vision for Blickfeld Percept?

For most of our customers, the focus is on the implementation of their applications – not on the 3D point cloud data itself. They have a specific problem they want to solve using LiDAR, and we want to make that as easy as possible for them with Blickfeld Percept. By providing them with a complete solution that includes our sensors as well as the LiDAR software, we enable them to rely on Blickfeld’s technical expertise and generate usable data for their application areas. This allows them redirect their valuable resources towards their core competencies.

What are the functions of the tool?

Percept makes it easy to set up LiDAR-based solutions by, for example, simplifying the alignment of the point cloud in relation to the x-axis and automating the point clouds fusion from multiple sensors. Furthermore, zones with different functions can be set up in the configuration interface very easily via drag-and-drop feature. Applications of this include counting and tracking people and other objects, monitoring stockpile volumes, detecting the occupancy of seats or parking spaces, or detecting the intrusion of objects and people into an area. In addition, Percept enables automated classification of objects into different categories.

LiDAR Software Blickfeld Percept vereinfacht Besucherzählung

What applications does the tool support?

The possible applications for Percept are very broad. For example, an up and coming application area is the analysis of and movement tracking of large crowds and in a given area. This was actually implemented in an exciting project at Frankfurt Airport, where the walking paths of passengers in the entrance hall were analyzed to predict the occupancy rate at the security checkpoints. These functions are also very useful in smart city projects, as footfall analysis can provide important information for the retail sector.

Another exciting LiDAR software application area is the volume monitoring of stockpiles such as cement, fertilizer, waste and many more. This is best explained with an example: If for example waste is stored in a large bunker in a incineration plant, like the one at EEW Energy from Waste, it is crucial to know the exact material volumes to manage the incoming flow and optimal utilization of the plant.

Percept also enables and simplifies LiDAR deployment in the security sector. Areas to be monitored are marked with zones in the point cloud. Together with the distance information captured by the sensor, an alarm can be triggered as soon as an object enters a specific zone in the room. Further application examples are occupancy detection of parking spaces, counting of traffic participants, or the protection of valuable objects. Together with our customers, we want to continuously improve and expand Percept to further increase the number of possible applications.

How does Blickfeld Percept fit into the company’s product portfolio?

The Blickfeld product portfolio consists of the many types of LiDAR sensors that generate 3D data and Percept, which turns this data into actionable information in the form of action or object lists and enables the customer’s application. Percept thus represents a kind of intermediate layer between the raw point cloud and the customer’s application.


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What is the story behind Blickfeld Percept?

The topic of object recognition has been part of our development since the founding of Blickfeld. From the very beginning, we planned to offer holistic solutions for our customers and have already implemented many projects using our algorithms for point cloud data analysis. Now we are pleased to be able to incorporate all this expertise into one holistic software, namely Blickfeld Percept, and offer a comprehensive product solution.  

For which users was Blickfeld Percept designed?

Percept is designed for industrial customers with a static LiDAR setup. Due to the simple operation and setup as well as the modular structure of the functions, almost anyone can operate the software. Percept is also particularly well suited for applications where a large area needs to be covered and multiple LiDAR sensors are used, as the fusion of multiple point clouds is very easy to implement with the help of the software.


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What aspect are you most proud of?

The ease of use and intuitive user interface are particularly important to me. The entire configuration of the software takes place in the web browser, which makes it extremely user-friendly and straightforward to use. We have realized the vision that Percept should be usable by everyone, and that is something I am very proud of!

Why is it called Percept?

“Percept” is a term used in the psychology of perception for the end result of the human perception process. The eye perceives something, this information is processed in the brain and in the end there is the realization that what we see in front of us is, for example, a tree. This perceived object “tree” is the percept. This terminology transfers well: The LiDAR sensor captures the environment in a 3D point cloud, the software processes and analyzes this data and in the end objects are identified.

Portrait Rolf Wojtech Blickfeld

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